Episode 517 - Here is a Puppeteer

This episode has nothing to do with puppets, but it’s a good title.

We’re off to a thing tonight, so we needed wine, hence the LCBO stop.

Isabelle is building a thing out of giant Mecano.

The term is almost over.

The. Alouettes won the Grey Cup.

There is less of a connection with sports heroes than there used to be.

Episode 512 - Award Winning

Let’s start off by saying that Isabelle got a big award this week!

You can hear her acceptance speech in this episode.

It was nice that people from the U, including the president, were there.

It’s hard being a one person anything.

A little cool today.

I bought the Halloween candy this week because I plan ahead!

Episode 509 - Event Planning

Relatively quiet week.

It’s still sorta warm, it’s weird. Rainy though a bit.

There’s a test in one of my classes next week.

Jon is still doing great in my class.

We went to a dinner, it was fun, until the line dancing started.

Event planning is not a one person job.